Un’infografica riassume i dati del rapporto annuale di Fortune 500 sulle big corporation americane ed i rapporti editati da OssCom ed eCircle. The weight of social media in the enterprise e l’adozione di un corporate blog aziendale sono gli aspetti fotografati dall’infografica. A comparison between the U.S. and Italy blows immediately apparent to the eye as Italian companies are more likely to 'adoption of corporate blogs rispetto alle statunitensi (40% against 34%). The 60% companies in the world has become a figure or a division Member of the Social Media Management, demonstrating how this has now become a business function and has also created specific professional.
continues its: http://tech.fanpage.it/le-aziende-piu-social-usa-e-italia-a-confronto-infografica/#ixzz2hp9qV22i