The art of networking

Prato, together for bike lanes

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Sospendiamo Domenica Live

italianomedio80Italiano Medio
@nicolettasagges @carmelitadurso sisi allegra è allegra. Però #bastadomenicalive .
5 days ago from Twitter for iPad
thevillage13the village
Chiediamo la sospensione di Domenica Live con #bastadomenicalive . Anche la TV privata deve essere diversa.
1 week ago from TweetDeck
Chiediamo la sospensione di Domenica Live con #bastadomenicalive . Anche la TV privata deve essere diversa.
1 week ago from TweetDeck
@ Pratoaccade:
Chiediamo la sospensione di Domenica Live con #bastadomenicalive . Anche la TV privata deve essere diversa.
1 week ago from TweetDeck

La rivista Italiano Medio

Ci sono cose che si devono sapere: sappile


Una crisi: how to communicate?


Scientists at Children's Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School studied the episode of cholera in Haiti, that, after the earthquake, has killed more than 6500 people.

Research shows that data from social networks can be submitted to the authorities much faster than traditional methods, come le [...]

Internet all'epoca part 70


Internet was born in the United States when the Department of Defense decided to connect the various universities, that dealt with military projects, through high-speed telecommunication lines. The goal was, that if in the event of a nuclear attack had been destroyed a computer, non si sarebbe persa nessuna informazione poiché tutto era [...]

…Print Food?

cibo 3d

(ANSA) – Not enough items and weapons, now 3D printers 'churn', literally, also edible foods.

The Sugar Labs ago it gets from the three-dimensional printers' facilities’ sugar – that can be eaten – and to be used for the most’ Per Torte decorate the cupcake, in the wake of the fashion of cake-design. Ma [...]



Twitter is an online social networking tool where users post (publish) Updates 140 character of what is happening in their lives with the links to the things you find interesting, fun or useful for their followers ("Follower" indicates roughly what "friendship" means on Facebook). Le persone usano [...]

There is still a TV?


Netflix ha reso noto un documento in cui espone la propria visione di lungo periodo sul futuro della televisione e, What's even more interesting, about who will be the winner. The document follows the publication of the results of the first quarter 2013, Netflix reported that more than a billion dollars in revenues and 33 [...]

An image for many social


Good week to all!

One blog: …and why?


Here 5 motivi per cui si dovrebbe usare il blogging come strumento di marketing Internet.

1. Blogging is simple. The easiest way to publish their own ideas on the net is through blogging. Non sono necessarie competenze … Chiunque è in grado di leggere e fare clic con un [...]

A rete? But what is?


L’analisi delle reti sociali, a volte detta anche teoria della rete sociale, è una moderna metodologia di analisi delle relazioni sociali sviluppatasi a partire dai contributi di Jacob Levi Moreno, il fondatore della sociometria, scienza che analizza le relazioni interpersonali.

La SNA trova ora applicazione in diverse scienze sociali, as the [...]

…the mathematics of the social network…


What determines the visibility (therefore the success) to a posting on Facebook? The answer is EdgeRank , the algorithm that Facebook uses to determine the visibility (the phenomenon) content of a newsfeed on Facebook.

EDGE RANK, QUESTO SCONOSCIUTO Come abbiamo già detto l’Edge Rank è un algoritmo utilizzato da Facebook per determinare la visibilità [...]

The village prend forma

Iscriviti al nostro villaggio virtuale, hour free! You can advertise your items online and create your own online shop. Do not miss this opportunity. We look forward!