Tag Archives: web design

Cosa vuol direfare rete

Fare rete non serve a nulla se non viene fatto con i giusti strumenti e con i giusti progetti.
Fare rete vuol dire coinvolgere tramite le moderne tecnologie e non solo chi ruota attorno ad un unico interesse per amplificarlo e renderlo più importante, più completo.
Fare rete non vuol dire necessariamente fare spam di un’iniziativa.
Fare rete significa definire un progetto peculiare di quali siano i canali vincenti per aggregare i contenuti di maggior interesse per tutti.
Fare rete significa essere costantemente aggiornati sulle tecnologie vincenti in un dato momento storico.
Fare rete vuol dire comprendere che oggi web design, ecommerce, social networking e social marketing sono concetti di cui nessuno può fare a meno.
Fare rete. E perchè no? Almeno proviamoci!


To whom do I vote?

I have been to vote. But not with a click, with a sheet of paper. I have been to request a birth certificate, but not through a website or an email address, but through an office and a stamp. I have been to seek renewal of the identity card ', but not through a form, but by making an appointment in an office. How could we do everything online’ that we do every day? And above all, how much time we would save to do it from home via a tablet? And what can we do all? We can always request a service online. We can make sure that the provider of a service through the internet to know that the same service would be much better and economical way to those who need it. Look not then. Require technological assistance. and if it is easy to use, ask for explanations. We are in it and you also.


History of blog…


The phenomenon began to take hold in 1997 in America; the 18 July 1997, was chosen as the symbolic date of birth of the blog, referring to the development, by the U.S. Dave Winer, the software that allows the publication (we speak of proto-blog).
The first blog was actually published 23 December of the same year, grazie a Jorn Barger, an American businessman hunting enthusiast, who decided to open their own personal page RobotWisdom to share the results of his research on the web about his hobby; coined the word weblog to describe the list of links on the website. In the spring of 1999 Peter Merholz instead proposed the abbreviation blog on his website Peterme.com. Continue reading

A million reasons to make a social


How many do they really exist? How many could potentially exist….infiniti. Why’ ? Why’ il social network e’ an aggregator. One way to communicate with people who want to exchange information. Which? All. Of any type. Pensate ad a topic, a topic that could be debated people. That’ your social. Toys? Agriculture? Traffic? Policy? This’ the power of social media today. Put in terms all those who have access to the network to talk to those who have some useful information to be exchanged. Designing a social and’ a real project is not just a joke. But the results are amazing. And they are much more’ and’ convincing the idea of ​​the project you have in mind. We are in it and you also.



Come mai dobbiamo essere in rete

ImmagineAnd’ più facile spiegare come mai non si può non essere presenti sul web che spiegare come mai dobbiamo esserci. Riuscireste oggi ad immaginarvi senza la connettività che potete avere in un instante con il resto del mondo? E riuscireste ad immaginarvi senza una rete sociale? Avete mai provato a NON pubblicizzare la vostra attività sul web ed apprezzarne i risultati? Avete mai fatto ricerche su chi ha scelto di NON investire su questi mezzi di comunicazione? Contattatemi per capire come affacciarvi sul web e fare il più importante e facile investimento della vostra attività.